Tap Shoes


Gracie's Guys and Gals Dance Studio

We Tap!


Newsletter for May 2023 

Recital is almost here: June 16th and 17th at Patuxent High School. Dress rehearsal is Thursday June 15th and the 'run through' will be at the Fairgrounds on June 13th. Times have been emailed out.

The show troupe is selling trophies, flowers and tee shirts; all information has been emailed, plus hard copies are on the table in the lobby. A sample trophy is also on the table for display! A printed copy of the tee shirt will be on the table soon!

Also, we will have a hard copy program for the recital. This is the 35th year for Gracie's Guys and Gals Dance Studio. If you would like to place a personal ad in the book, or if you're a business and would like to advertise. Copies on table in lobby. It is more like a 'year book' with pictures. The recital book will also have the recital line up for all the shows. The ads placed help pay for the printing of the books, which allows us to hopefully provide a recital book free to each family that attends the recital.

REMINDER: MAY TUITION IS DUE MAY 7TH, AND JUNE'S TUITION IS DUE BY MAY 18th so that we can complete bookkeeping and distribute tickets the first week of June. We will not accept any checks for anything to the studio after May 18th.

Extra tickets go on sale at the Fairgrounds "run through" on June 13th on a first come basis, for $10 CASH each ticket. Tickets will also be on sale at the dress rehearsal and at the recital if available.

The studio is closed on Monday May 29th, Memorial Day.

No regular classes are held the week of June 12th. Instead, we have a 'run through' of all the routines on Tuesday June 13th, a 'dress rehearsal' on Thursday June 15th, and the recital, on Friday June 16th and Saturday June 17th. There are classes the last week of May, and the first week of June. If you have any questions, feel free to email me! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  Tappin' soul to sole,
  Ms. Gracie